Ruth Williams, LCSW is not only a social worker by profession, but a social worker at heart. This field found her four decades ago! As valedictorian of her high school class of 500, with the brain of a mathematician, social work may not have been the "logical" choice. Her natural warmth and compassion for people of all ages, nature, photography, music, and her spirit brought her first to psychology, then social work. She calls other mental health professionals "my people"!
Working as a clinical social worker for so many years can take a toll! And, yes, life "happens" to us as well.
Ruth is often asked, “How can you keep doing this work?” She’s found ways to keep at it, despite the inevitable emotional challenges. She chose to take her message to a larger audience, first through writing “The Prescription for Joy,” and now, sharing with students and fellow professionals ways to take such excellent care of themselves,
so that burnout (all too frequent!) is able to be avoided!
There is a huge need for mental health professionals - especially those who can remain mentally healthy!
Ruth is fun, funny, creative, spontaneous.
One of the reasons she landed in Nashville, Tennessee was a love for music and songwriting. Music is still a passion - she plays with other oldsters (mostly therapists!) in a garage band a couple of times a month, wailing a Bonnie Raitt tune or harmonizing, while playing the guitar, keyboard, or sometimes the congo drums.
Copyright © 2023 Ruth R. Williams, LCSW - All Rights Reserved.