Prescription for Joy
Ruth teaches mental health professionals how to prioritize and
maintain their own quality mental health and avoid burnout!
Ruth teaches mental health professionals how to prioritize and
maintain their own quality mental health and avoid burnout!
Ignite your audience with a little spark of Ruth’s extroverted energy and enthusiasm.
She is “full of it” herself (i.e., JOY!)
and her energy is contagious! Those who hear her speak,
attend her workshops, or are coached—will learn how to
fill their tanks and keep them full,
so that they can keep doing the tough,
yet amazing work they’ve chosen to do.
They are SO needed in this world!
Life is challenging!
The field of mental health is extra challenging!
Those who choose this profession are ready to change the world, make a difference in the lives of others! Ruth brings what she’s learned in her decades of experience PLUS her own unique approach to self-care, to create her Prescription for Joy!
Choosing a profession where giving is the theme,
you MUST learn how to give to yourself. Ruth’s Joy Prescription is a place to start learning to care for yourself and enJOY life more thoroughly,
while making a difference!
Stress is REAL! We've all been through a lot lately!
Research continues to show that stress can often be a contributing factor in disease (dis-ease) or ill health. We experienced a massive health crisis in our nation (and world). Plus, there are multiple problems (individual to global), which are affecting us mentally and emotionally (and, yes, even spiritually) on a daily basis!
Learning how to de-stress not only makes life more enJOYable, but can actually strengthen one's immune system and resistance to disease. We all deserve to be healthier - in body, mind, and spirit.
Ruth will give you practical tips and techniques to help you apply these joy-inspiring approaches.
Here's the Joy RX!
1. Accept who you are.
2. Be awake, aware, and present for Life.
3. Experience life fully.
4. Let go of the things you can't control.
5. Share with others and celebrate our Oneness.
Copyright © 2023 Ruth R. Williams, LCSW - All Rights Reserved.